Services for firms
Contracts and job orders
We support our clients for an effective conduct of a contract, both for civil and industrial works, from the entrusting to the approval and provide valid assistance in case of controversies.
Building, Infrastructures and Industry
We perform accurate and complete technical analysis and identify effective and innovative solutions.
Estimate and Property
We evaluate every type of property and provide technical support for the conduct and trade of properties.
Services of environmental engineering for building and territory
We support our clients for an effective conduct of a contract, both for civil and industrial works, from the entrusting to the approval and provide valid assistance in case of controversies.
- Consulting in public and private contracts both during the preparation of a contract and during the contract. Arrangement and/or evaluation of special tenders of the contract and of the technical contractual documents.
- Technical consulting for the site manager or for the works supervisor during the arrangements of the technical documents of the contract (variance surveys, bills of quantities, formulation of reserves, etc).
- Assistance to firms in the relations with subcontracting firms, suppliers, professionals.
- Assistance to firms in the definition of controversies regarding reserves, damages, penalties, etc. both in judicial branch and in extrajudicial branch.
- Technical consulting in judicial procedures both as arbitrator and as expert of the arbitration board.
Building, Infrastructures and Industry
We perform accurate and complete technical analysis and identify effective and innovative solutions.
- Consulting in structural planning, building and plant design thanks to a network of experts, even from university, that collaborate with the office and that guarantee broad-spectrum technical consulting for the realization of works within building, infrastructures and in industry.
- Execution of inspections, investigations and evaluations regarding elaborate technical aspects and solutions for specific problems
- Technical consulting by own experts in judicial procedures regarding the realization of building, infrastructural and industrial works: buildings, streets, railways, bridges, ports, airports, industrial complexes, etc.
- Cooperation and technical assistance with law offices for the arrangements of lawsuit acts.
Estimate and Property
We evaluate every type of property and provide technical support for the conduct and trade of properties.
- Estimative technical consulting for the determination of the market value of any type of property: building or agricultural areas, residential buildings or single apartments, commercial premises (offices, shops, warehouses, garages, etc), industrial and crafts buildings.
- Evaluations of firms and of industrial and crafts complexes (patrimonial, incoming method and both). Evaluation of intangible properties (brands, licences, the starting-up of a firm, etc).
- Evaluation of machinery and of industrial equipment, motorcars, boats and ships, aircrafts (airplanes and helicopters), trains (engines or wagons), etc.
- Determination of the causes and evaluation of the damages towards real estates and properties in consequence of accidents.
- Real estate Due Diligence: technical inspections; assets analysis, the quality and the condition of real estates; evaluation of timing and costs necessary for the adjustment; the determination of risks, criticality and potentiality.
- Technical-administrative and urbanistic surveys and inspections.
Services of environmental engineering for building and territory
- Specialized consulting for energetic and environmental certifications ( LEED, BREEAM, ITACA, CASACLIMA, etc).
- Inspections of the causes of environmental pollution.
- Evaluation of environmental damages caused by dispersion of polluting substances.